Social Media Impact: Shocking Truths About Student Mental Health

Social media has become a huge part of life as a young adult you use it to chat with friends like funny videos of your uncle’s dog and show everyone what you’ve been up to however it can also play a huge role on your mental health.
For Better or For Worse and often times can feel very isolating here are some ways to manage how much it affects you how to build a healthy relationship with social media and how you can take the power back.

Social Media Detox

Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and loved ones especially those who live far away it also allows us to easily stay updated on current events and other news we want to know however sometimes this easy access to Communication in media can also mean
easy access to online arguments triggering online content and it can
accumulate into being a huge stresser in your life to combat this many have found it helpful to take a social media detox a study conducted by the University of wisler revealed that a two-e social media detox improv
smartphone and social media addiction as well as sleep satisfaction with life stress perceived wellness and supportive relationships when dealing with a stressful situation online whether it be an argument with a friend or a sensitive topic you fret about take a second away from your phone once you feel a bit calmer invite yourself to think about what stressed you out about that situation practicing mindfulness about
our consumption of media can help us in future situations to avoid getting us stressed if you still aren’t feeling well feel free to continue the detox
social media only has as much power as you give it so a detox should be self-

Cyber Bullying

Serving although a social media detox often helps while combating these
triggering feelings sometimes these stressful situations don’t just stop
after a little bit of detoxing these long-lasting incidents can develop into
cyber bullying in 2024 a research poll found that 26.5 % of American teenagers have experienced cyberbullying within the last 30 days alone if you think you’re being Cyber Bullied make sure to block and Report the account if you ever feel in danger when being Cyber Bullied is important that you immediately tell a trusted adult so that you can stay safe being Cyber Bullied can feel very isolating but help is always available and it is important to speak up when you’re experiencing anything like.


This sharing our fashion and interest to others is a great way to connect and show that you’re proud of your yourself however sometimes we can go a bit overboard with these comparisons and we can even become obsessed with lies we see online leading to self-hate and insecurities when looking at online advertisements or super models face blurring and body Photoshop apps are very often used to alter their appearances in a recent interview actress Blake Lively was quoted saying it’s so important for young people not to compare themselves with what they see online 99.9% of the time the images are photoshopped I’m guilty myself of being at a photo shoot and saying that looks terrible on me and they say we’ll fix it when comparing yourself to others make sure to keep in mind that 99% of the images you see online aren’t as truthful as they may seem be yourself and someday maybe others will take inspiration from
you although all of these bad aspects of social media can feel overwhelming with balance and practicing safe online
habits to build a healthy relationship with your internet use you can build
community and connections through social media and take the power back from the posts.