The impact of social media on teenagers

>>social media has created a much different childhood for kids now than when we grew up studies show team spent as much as 9 hours a day on social media and research shows alarming effects it’s
Social media and research shows alarming effects it’s having on teenage girls.
A special report 10 news anchor rachel lucas is working for you
To talk to teams and local experts about if social media is doing more harm than good.
>>constantly connected always on their phones. >> i still go on instagram like every day the generation growing up with food.
>>at their fingertips we sat down with 2 for jimmy tech students karate sheree and hannah williams to talk about how social media affected them during their teenage years if i. >>how free time i was on social so like any time i was in school like paying out my family like i was online. >>and the pressure and always on edge suspect of social media can be exhausting raising concerns about the toll it’s taking on
Teens mental health.
Sarah herrig a local counselor says she sees it every day. >>being a teenager right now it’s really really are a caring says while
It’s really are a caring says while social media can be a positive ballot for teens.
It can just as easily have the opposite effect.
I think you can make teens still very isolated she can make teens feel
Like there.
>>not good enough documents released in the wall street journal investigation show facebook was aware that the use of instagram by some teenage girls lead to mental health issues anxiety and poor
Body image.
>>we talked to an expert in the subject virginia tech professor jimmy ivory he says the issue is calm public hated but the research is clear.
>>we do know that
There’s a pretty strong correlation and observed correlation between have your social media use.
The image dissatisfaction, especially among young women, social media can can prompt unfair comparisons of oneself to it to
An unrealistic event.
>>the rise of social media and smartphone technology really go hand in hand we all.
Body cameras on our smartphones perfect for taking photos of every aspect of our life and of course sell face.
It’s easy to point out the imperfections that make us all
You met that just as easily there are apps and filters to erase them whitening your teeth removing the bags under your eyes and smoothing out every imperfection when the world watching we all want to look our best even working as a broadcaster al admit i feel it and if we as adults feel that type of pressure. Imagine what a
Teenager feels are we even really getting a real picture
Of what.
>>life real life looks like as a teenager.
>>elise and take talk of seem like a lot of trans instagram bridges like
Talk trans instagram bridges like real life and like shows like pictures of people like what they post online first like what they look like on a normal day in school.
>>even knowing social media is only a snapshot of someone’s life.
Only a snapshot of someone’s life.